This school year, Osage High School is implementing a new time block where students will be able to pick from a variety of different subjects such as P.E, study hall, math and reading interventions, and a variety of different clubs and games. All regular classes are shortened by seven minutes, and students go to their Elevate rotation after 5th hour. When asked what they thought about the new initiative, a student said this, “I personally don’t understand what required this to be made because it throws off the entire schedule on Thursdays, and I don’t think anyone’s going to use it to actually work.” In contrast to this reaction, many student athletes are grateful to be given extra time to work on homework. Junior Maverick Trusty said, “I think Elevate is a great idea. It gives me an opportunity to do work for my classes. With all of the games and practices I just don’t have the time for schoolwork without being stressed out.” Student athletes are under a great amount of stress; giving them a chance to catch up on work or just relax would be extremely helpful. After speaking with a teacher, perhaps Elevate will be a great time to catch up on work, give athletes an opportunity to be involved in clubs, and make up tests they have missed.