A&E’s new series Ozark Law takes viewers on a high-stakes ride through the daily patrols of the Lake Ozark and Osage Beach police departments. From bustling tourist hotspots to quiet backroads, the show captures the challenges and triumphs of keeping the heart of Missouri’s lake country safe.
It was a mind blowing experience to see how many people vacation down to Lake of the Ozarks. The numbers go from a normal population of 6,900 to over 6 million people here in the summer. In my personal opinion as someone being a full time person at the lake, I was pretty stoked when they released the show . It truly shows how our local police departments are here to keep us safe.
From episode one to episode two was a big change. The first episode featured catching people with fake IDs to DUI’s, just minor things we get people over for. The second episode was a roller coaster of emotions. From a simple stop from Officer Carson, for getting someone swerving, to a drunk driver hitting her. After being able to catch my breath from seeing that car headed towards Carson, the next dispatch was even crazier and will possibly be explored in episode three.